
Block Group: Data Services
Block Icon: Relativize block icon

Converts a full file path to a relative file path, and manages changes to the non-relativized part of the path.

This block is useful when you have a symbol associated with metrics and you want to use one property to change the folder that the points come from.

[Video Tutorial: Introduction to Relativization]

Input/Output Properties

This property can take input and give output.

Output Properties

This property can give output. It cannot take input.


The paths in use in the parent object of the dataflow, before and after relativizing.

Use Case

A typical use case for the Relativize block is to create a widget that can be re-used for multiple data sources. To create this effect, follow these steps:

  1. Create a group that uses one or more metrics from the same parent location.
  2. In the block properties panel, drag the parent location to the path field.
  3. Next to the output property, click Relativize. A pop-up dialog opens, displaying all the paths in the specified directory that are currently associated with the component.
  4. Within the pop-up dialog, select the paths you want to relativize, and click Relativize. The relativized paths are listed in the Path column. The parent directory, or the non-relativized part of the path, is listed in the Service column.
  5. Close the pop-up dialog, and change the path property to a different location that includes metrics with the same names.

If relativizing was successful, the data in the group changes.